
芝加哥分會  |  2021年7月23日
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作者 /馬樂


六月底,芝加哥靜思堂附近發生龍捲風,志工們迅速行動舉辦多場發放,伊利諾州聯邦眾議員比爾·佛斯特(Bill Foster,Illinois’s 11th Congressional District Representative)在發放現場看到慈濟在幫助自己轄區的居民,好奇而想要多了解這個慈善組織,志工也把握因緣介紹慈濟。回到辦公室後,眾議員佛斯特交代秘書,在他前往華府國會山莊開議之前,務必安排一趟行程造訪慈濟靜思堂,來進一步了解無私付出背後的那股力量。7月10日,眾議員帶著秘書來到了慈濟,特意打了中式領帶,本來只能停留45分鐘的行程,芝加哥志工們以誠以情的招待讓他們停留了近兩小時。

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“When I saw what you were doing to help the tornado victims, you know, the tornado landed entirely in my district, and so I spent days visiting the area, and one of the places I visited was where you were providing relief and help to some of the families who lost their homes, or were just in a bad situation, and I thought, “Okay, this is a good group, and I want to get to know them better.”

“I thought that your organization is so wonderful, you should advertise more. That is probably not a decor of the Buddhist philosophy, to advertise or self-promote, but you do wonderful things, and you should be proud about bringing new people into your organization, so that they can do good things in their lives as well.”

“After [my father] passed away, about 15 to 20 years ago, when I was reading his papers, of his decision to leave science and to work in civil rights, I started thinking about this fundamental question that everyone has to answer, which is, what fraction of your life do you spend in service to your fellow man. You know, this is a question everyone has to answer. Some people spend their entire lives simply enjoying themselves, making money, and other people spend their entire life trying to help their fellow man. For most people, it is somewhere in between. And so that’s one of the reasons that I want to thank you for all that you do in Tzu Chi Foundation, because you are spending part of your life, as you are living your life, in service to your fellow man. And it’s a quite answering this question, but in a very good way, and I want to thank you all.”

“It’s a perfect example of the culture of an immigrant community contributing to the United States and making it a stronger country. Including aid to people, no matter what religion, no matter what ethnicity, if someone needs help, you give that help to them, and so the Buddhist spirit that is demonstrated by your group has really shown how immigration makes us stronger as a country. “



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