
THH2017 Feature: Kindred Spirits – Tzu Chi and the CDPPAT

National Headquarters  |  July 18, 2018

The story of how Tzu Chi and the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe (CDPPAT) started collaborating begins in 2006, when the troupe first met Master Cheng Yen in Taiwan. As the CDPPAT’s artists discovered a kindred spirit between their mission to inspire harmony and love and Tzu Chi’s path of compassion in action through serving others, Tzu Chi volunteers recognized how the dedication and perseverance of these disabled artists echoes their own steadfast resolve to perpetually help those in need.

In 2010, Tzu Chi USA invited the CDPPAT to New York City, to perform their famous “My Dream” show at a charity gala. In celebration of Tzu Chi and the CDPPAT’s common goal, “Thousands of Helping Hands” emerged as the name for the charity event, and soon, the troupe arrived in the Big Apple and was received with great care, their every special need attended to in person by Tzu Chi NY volunteers.

As a prologue to the evening, the CDPPAT’s sign language host, Jiang Xintian, shared our joint vision, expressed through the image of thousands of helping hands:

Love is a language that we share when your heart is full of love and kindness. You will willingly lend your hands a thousand times to help others, and one thousand hands will reach out to help you in return.

Six years later, Tzu Chi USA invited the CDPPAT to perform in NYC once again, this time for a very special occasion, as 2016 marked both Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, and Tzu Chi NY’s 25th.

This “Thousands of Helping Hands” Charity Concert, held at the world-class Lincoln Center, drew a capacity crowd that was enthralled by the exquisite beauty and flawless performance of every dance and musical number on the program, and moved by the show’s overall message of universal solidarity and love.

Acknowledging the success of the Lincoln Center THH Charity Concert in 2016, it comes as no surprise that Tzu Chi and the CDPPAT would join forces once more, this time for the THH 2017 Charity Art Tour that includes seven performances across Texas and California.

Love is a language that we share when your heart is full of love and kindness. You will willingly lend your hands a thousand times to help others, and one thousand hands will reach out to help you in return.

We enjoy working with Tzu Chi. Both of us embody the spirit of love. Tzu Chi’s activities and our performance both cultivate great love.

It’s clear that this collaboration will thrive for years to come. Through the THH2017 Art Tour, thanks to the inspirational power of the CDPPAT, Tzu Chi USA hopes to motivate everyone to join together to help the underprivileged and underserved.

If everyone in our communities, cities, and countries can thrive, a harmonious global society can emerge and be sustained as well.

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