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Latest Update on Nepal Earthquake Relief
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Two-Months After The Quake
June 25th marks 2 months since a devastating earthquake ripped through Nepal on April 25th, followed by powerful aftershocks soon after. The tragic death toll of this disaster is now nearly 9,000, with 22,000 injured. According to UN OCHA, 2.8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance.
Tzu Chi’s first wave of volunteers and supplies arriving in Nepal on April 28th, and teams are still on the ground today. 276 volunteers from 11 countries have been to Nepal so far, with the latest and 9th team traveling there on June 17th. Donations towards Tzu Chi’s activities have come from 36 countries.

Top: Nepali man carrying belongings from the rubble. Bottom: (left) Nepali volunteer reporting during conference call with Tzu Chi headquarters. (middle & right) Medical outreach with the 7th team of volunteers. Photos: Zhou Xing Hong & Hu Qing Qing

Tzu Chi Nepal Earthquake Relief: Two-months after the quake. Photos: Hu Qing Qing
To date, Tzu Chi distributed relief materials to 78,983 people (14,962 families) and provided hot meals to 78,850. Volunteer medical staff treated 11,255 patients, 7,000 people were provided with shelter, and 2,439 were hired under a Work for Relief program. Relief supplies including rice, beans, oil, sugar, 1,554.2 kilograms of medicine, 90 large tents, 500 tarps, 5,603 foldable beds and 10,710 blankets were delivered to where needed via land, sea or air transportation. Other aid has included the provision of 10 solar power units, and distribution of clean drinking water to more than 400 families.
In June alone, volunteers donated school supplies and calculators to students at Mahewsori tent area; held a 2nd volunteer training session, attended by 62 Nepali volunteers; gave first-aid kits to Seabird International College and 4 other schools; assessed the damage in Bungamati and Kokana; worked with Global Medic to distribute 80 water purifiers in Kadambas; started a 2nd round of large-scale supply distribution with the handing out of blankets to 1,335 families in Bungamati; and donated folding beds, blankets and medical materials to the Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital.

Tzu Chi’s relief activities in Nepal are also starting to transition towards reconstruction efforts, and a team is building simple classrooms at the Norvic Institute of Technology in Lalitpur.
Meanwhile, Medical Outreach volunteers continue to visit tent settlements, remote mountain areas, hospitals, schools and Buddhist temples, and treat new cases, check up on previous patients, and address issues like head lice. There’s a lot to do, and Tzu Chi is there for the long haul.