The Tzu Chi logo has several components, each with a symbolic message about our mission. There’s a lotus flower with eight petals, the fruit within the flower, and inside that, a ship.
Lotus Flower
The lotus flower in full bloom represents enlightenment, and shows us that although we are rooted in the mud of life’s suffering, we can develop beautiful good qualities and perfect ourselves.
Eight Petals
The eight petals of the flower represent the Noble Eight-Fold Path in Buddhism, which guides our members. The path is based on: Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
The Fruit
The fruit within the flower reminds us that flowers bloom from seeds, so to create a better world, we need to plant good seeds of love and kindness, with pure thoughts and virtuous actions.
The Ship
The ship at the heart of the fruit illustrates that Tzu Chi steers a ship of compassion, offering a vessel of refuge to save all beings from suffering.