Written by: Eric Tong
Translated by Diana Chang
Edited by Ida Eva Zielinska
The urgent shortage of masks for healthcare workers has caused panic as the COVID-19 pandemic escalated. In response, Tzu Chi USA has been donating medical-grade face masks to healthcare facilities across the nation.
Following the implementation of stay-at-home orders, government officials have also called for residents to wear face coverings when out in public. This recommendation, or ruling in some regions, has also created a need that Tzu Chi is striving to fill. Moreover, some Tzu Chi volunteers have applied their ingenuity in helping to meet the demand.
One senior volunteer in the Washington D.C. area, Chengyueh Li, affectionately called Mother Meng by younger Tzu Chi volunteers, researched and designed a special cloth mask with an inner pocket, in which you can add a filter for extra protection. Not only are the masks practical, but also beautiful, thanks to the high-quality fabrics provided by volunteer Annie Wang, who joined in this mission of love.

Thanks to Mother Meng, who took the initiative to produce cloth masks, and Annie Wang, who donated the materials, a whole new supply of face coverings is now ready to go, helping to protect people across the United States.
Although Chengyueh Li is elderly, she emphasized that being a Tzu Chi volunteer, she seeks to find a way to contribute every day. And so, she will continue to work hard in the hope of encouraging others to contribute their love, as well.