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Global Citizens - Global Coverage for Women and Girls


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Join the Coalition for Global Citizenship 2030 for a workshop convened during the Commission on the Status of Women, focusing on highlighting tools and best practices that use the principles of global citizenship to eliminate barriers that make it difficult for women and girls to have access to comprehensive social protection. With speakers from Make Mothers Matter, Soroptomist International, and LIDÈ, the Coalition for Global Citizenship will dialogue on how to use the lens of global citizenship as a way to create more robust programs, and as a way to better articulate calls for action that can enhance access of women and girls to social protection systems. 

About The Coalition of Global Citizenship 2030

The Coalition of Global Citizenship 2030 is a coalition of 120 organizations that work in the areas of youth, gender, education, health, peace and women’s economic empowerment, engaging with the United Nations through advocacy, policy recommendations, side events, and by convening dialogues related to global citizenship. The Coalition seeks to promote awareness of humanity’s shared destiny throughout the full scope of the UN’s work, highlighting the need for governments, civil society, regional and sub-regional organizations, UN entities, international financial institutions and the private sector to all work from a basis of values of just and fair treatment, inclusion and cooperation. CGC2030 is dedicated to a world in which human dignity and the fulfillment of our basic human rights are assured.

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