Teachings by Dharma Master Cheng Yen
Translated by Dharma as Water Dev. Dept, Tzu Chi USA
You all have crossed over mountains and oceans and come back to visit me with single-minded resolve. This is such a sweet thing to hear. When I was young and about your age, I always thought, “How can I help everyone who is suffering in this world?” I had a direction in my mind.
That direction is just like the vows made by all the young people here. Your hearts are pure and clean, like clear mirrors. When they reflect even the faint light of a small candle, the mirror can amplify it into a brilliant light.
It was really fortunate that, along my journey, many causes and conditions came together, and all the little pieces of a story came together as part of Tzu Chi’s history, now approaching sixty years. Although I have also aged over the years, I have seen how Tzu Chi volunteers are working in concert, with unity and harmony, putting teachings into practice.
This unity cannot be achieved by me alone. So many of you here have received higher education, and you certainly have a sense of responsibility to contribute to society and the people. We must not underestimate even the faintest of light or our small, individual strengths. When we pool everyone’s strength, the power will be great.
You have placed written promises inside “time capsules” to present to me, thus making them tangible and within my reach; this makes it seem as though everyone’s heart is close to mine. However, I hope that these aspirations will not be left here; I hope they will forever be engraved in your hearts.
The universe is immense, and Earth is vast. I hope every one of you young Bodhisattvas will form aspirations and make vows to truly devote yourselves to the world. No matter which country you reside in in the future, do not let distance block this Bodhisattva love.
The empty chair of mine you saw at the year-end blessing ceremony will truly be empty one day. The “value” of life lies in every moment that can be experienced. We must cherish the fact that we can still see, hear, and experience these moments. Do not wait until the day when you cannot see or experience these moments, for by then, you will never be able to attain what you pursue.
Please return often, and not just once a year. In fact, you can “return” every day, as I am in your heart every day. When you think of me, I am there. However, only when you apply the Dharma, wherever you reside, are you truly close to my heart. If you do not accept the Dharma, or if you accept the Dharma but do not practice it, that is the same as being far away from me.
Even when we are mountains and oceans apart, your sincerity comes through. Without sincerity, even if we are just one step apart, it is as if we are separated by vast mountains and oceans. To truly understand my heart and share my aspirations and vows, you need to give your love and love those whom I love.
We truly attain the Dharma when we walk the path and practice it. We can extend a hand to help those who are suffering. We can accompany those who are deluded back onto the right path. This is how Tzu Chi Bodhisattvas act in the world.
Someday, my chair will truly be empty. As stated in the Lotus Sutra, we must take “the emptiness of all phenomena as the seat, and abiding here, we expound the Dharma.” Although the chair in the crowd is empty, it can nonetheless express True Dharma. You must bring this mindset back home; you can place a chair in any event, showing your respect as if I were there with you.
I am grateful to everyone for joining Tzu Chi. It really makes my aspirations feel very grounded. Our society is everyone’s responsibility. The first generation of Tzu Chi volunteers are aging, and as the second generation, you need to take on responsibility. You must shoulder the responsibilities passed down and be responsible for those coming after you. Everyone must make vows and form aspirations to provide abundant spiritual provisions for children and young people in the future and give them the strength to grow in wisdom.
Do not forget that you have made true vows here today. You must earnestly take responsibility for sentient beings in the future, shoulder the rice basket for the world, and create blessings. Do not forget that today you have come to Taiwan to spend the New Year holidays, and the New Year resolution you made is your direction in life; furthermore, remember to put more effort into recruiting more Living Bodhisattvas.
Compiled from Master Cheng Yen’s conversations with overseas Tzu Chi collegiate volunteers and alumni members from December 31, 2023, to Jan 4, 2024