We offer charity services across the USA, focusing on underprivileged and underserved communities, families, and groups, and helping those who suffer due to poverty, hunger, and homelessness in a variety of ways.

Mobile Food Pantry in Southern California
In the U.S., food insecurity affects one in four children and one in six adults. To fight hunger, our Mobile Food Pantry travels throughout Southern California on a weekly and ad-hoc basis, serving the most impoverished communities.

With two 22-foot trucks carrying up to 20,000 pounds of fresh produce and wholesome food, we can serve up to 500 families per distribution, and up to 20,000 families annually. Each family receives enough food to supplement a week’s worth of meals. From November 2016 to June 2017, the program helped 3,500 families, benefiting over 15,000 people in S.California.

Winter Distribution
Our regular winter distributions have been helping at least 9,000 underprivileged individuals annually since 2015, providing cash cards that offer instant financial aid, winter clothing items and blankets, and even toys and books for children. In 2016, 12,213 people benefited from this charity aid.

Our need-based scholarships assist underprivileged college-bound high school graduates and returning undergraduates. Our awards totaled $232,000 in 2016 as a sample year, helping 232 students pursue their dreams.

Food Pantries & Hot Meal Service
Our food banks serve low-income families, patients, and the homeless. In 2016 alone, 35,170 people benefited from this program, while we also distributed 71,998 hot meals to homeless individuals, hospitalized children, seniors, and parolees.

VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Service

Our free income tax return preparation services help low-income families. In 2016, for example, our volunteers clocked 8,443 hours (valued at $198,529) preparing tax returns for 2,168 households, helping them benefit from $2,441,614 in refunds.