| 社會教育推廣課程 |
- 僅繳交報名表而未繳費者,因未完成報名手續,額滿課程不保留該名額,可由候補者直接遞補。
- 除了親子系列及兒童系列,所有課程僅限18歲以上成人報名參加。
- 除非特別註明,一般學費不含書籍、材料費、講義費…等。
- 學費僅接受支票或 Money Order,支票被銀行退票則酌收行政手續費用25美元。
- 自實際上課日起,不得要求將學費轉讓他人或保留至下一期課程,並請依規定辦理退費。
- 自願中途插班者,需由社教行政人員視情況決定接受與否,恕不減免插班前之學費。
- 為維持教學品質、尊重其他學員權益,所有課程謝絕試聽、旁聽,並請勿攜帶幼兒同行,懇請配合。
- 為避免干擾課程進行,請勿攜帶食物或寵物進入教室。
- 請勿找他人頂替上課。
- 請注意上課日期,請假或缺席者不得要求另行補課,教材當日如無安排請人代領則不保留。(社教班行政人員及老師恕不代領)
- 社會教育推廣課程沒有接受任何政府補助,社會教育推廣團隊保留每班報名人數達到最低要求才開班的權利,敬請見諒。
- 為尊重智慧財產權,課程進行中如有拍照或錄影的需求,請向行政人員提出申請。
- 社會教育推廣團隊有依情況適時調整課程內容之權利。
- 課堂中請勿涉及商業行為,不發名片、不發宣傳品;師生商業往來,與慈濟無關。
- 請尊重本會所使用之場地亦是慈濟修行道場 – 不抽煙、不喝酒、不帶葷食,並且衣著端莊不暴露。
- 未開班退全額。
- 在實際上課日一週前辦理退班者,退還已繳支票,另酌收行政手續費用10美元。
- 自實際上課日之前一周內而未逾全期三分之一前辦理退班者,保留50%學費credit至下學期報名使用。(僅限下一學期,不限報名科目,請自行保留證明文件)
- 在班時間已逾全期三分之一者,不予退費。
- 退費申請以文字及收件日期為證明 – 傳真、電子郵件或親至社教辦公室填寫。
- 隨身攜帶環保杯,課堂供應飲水。(響應環保,盡量不要攜帶瓶裝水)
- 養成提早十分鐘到課堂的習慣;進出園區時,請減速慢行、禮讓行人。
- 進教室簽到並且配合值日生排班,協助維持教室環境整潔。
- 遵守課堂秩序,重視人文素養。
- 如果無法出席,請記得提早向行政人員請假。
- 手機在課堂內保持靜音,不在教室內接收來電。
- 辦公室專線電話: (909) 447-8616
Class Policy
- Applicants who do not make payments may be dropped from the class. Priorities will be given to applicants who are on our waiting list and have completed registration. First come, first serve.
- With the exception of Parents & Me and programs for children, all courses are open only to adults 18 years and older.
- Unless otherwise noted, the tuition fee does not include books, materials, handouts, etc.
- Only personal checks and money orders are accepted for tuition. A fee of $25 will be assessed for each returned check.
- Once the class begins, paid tuition cannot be transferred to others or retained as credit toward the next term. Refund will be processed in accordance with standard refund policies. It is the applicant’s responsibility to apply for the refund.
- If an applicant voluntarily requests to enter a course after the term has already begun, it is the decision of the Community Education Administration to accept or deny such request. If accepted, tuition will not be prorated; the applicant is still responsible for the full tuition amount.
- In order to maintain the teaching quality and out of respect to the rights of the other students, we request your cooperation to not bring any observers or children to the classrooms.
- In order to avoid interference with the curriculum, please do not bring food or pets into the classroom.
- Please do not have someone else attend in your place.
- Please pay attention to the class dates. No makeup class will be offered to students who are absent. Class materials will not be reserved for absentees. Please arrange to have them picked up by a fellow student if you plan to be absent.
- Please understand the Community Education Program is not being subsidized by any government agencies. Classes are subject to cancelation if the minimum enrollment is not met.
- In order to respect the intellectual property rights, please direct any curriculum photography and videography needs to the Community Education Administration and obtain pre-approval for such requests.
- The Education Administration reserves the right to modify the course contents.
- Please do not distribute business cards or promotional materials. All business interactions between teachers and students outside the classrooms are not associated with Tzu Chi Foundation.
- Please respect the Tzu Chi Foundation grounds. No smoking, alcohol, meat, or fish is allowed. Please dress appropriately with no indecent exposures.
Refund Policy
- If a class is cancelled by the Community Education Administration, full tuition refund will be processed.
- If you withdraw from a class one week before the class starting date, Tzu Chi will return your check and charge a $10 processing fee.
- Withdrawal from a class can only be processed from one week before the class starting date to one third of the full term. If you withdraw from a class, you will retain 50% of the tuition to be credited toward next semester’s registration. (The credit can only be applied to the following semester. Student can choose any subject. Please be sure to keep all pertinent documents)
- If the course has been in session for over one third of the full term, refunds will not be given.
- Please submit refund request via fax, e-mail or in person. Refund is processed based on the date the request is received by the Community Education Administration.
Our Consensus
- Please carry reusable cups. We will supply drinking water. (Please refrain from bringing bottled water as they create unnecessary waste to the environment.)
- Please arrive ten minutes early to the classroom in order to develop punctual habits. Please drive slowly and yield to the pedestrians in the campus parking lot.
- Please sign in as you enter the classroom, and help maintain a clean learning environment.
- As we attempt to foster a humanistic environment, please follow classroom rules and code of conduct.
- If you cannot attend a class, please remember to notify the Community Education Program Administration in advance.
- Please turn off all cell phones in the classrooms, and do not take any calls while the class is in session.
- Office Hotline: (909) 447-8616