Press Releases
The heart of Maui aches as wildfires consume its beauty, especially the cherished town of Lahaina.
As countless survivors grapple with immeasurable loss, Tzu Chi volunteers from across the Pacific Islands Region are distributing emergency cash cards and serving as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.
These cash cards, loaded with funds available for immediate use, give an individual or head of household the agency to cover their most pressing needs, whether it be temporary housing, medical expenses, food, water, clothing and shoes, gas, diapers/baby formula, and so much more. We’re also providing eco-blankets, food, and personal care supplies to help individuals make this time a bit more comfortable. And, together, we can do so much more.
Thick & cozy blankets
Supermarket gift cards
Living essentials
Distributions held
People who have benefitted
Families who have benefitted
Volunteer shifts
Winter Clothes & Accessories
Power Generators
BIM shopping cards US$
(In Turkish lira $380,826,000)
Distribution on September 17, 2023
Together, with all of your support, volunteers have distributed $1.5 million in aid funds to more than 1,500 families on Maui thus far. Read on to discover more.
Distribution on September 10, 2023
On September 10, 2023, Tzu Chi’s team set out once more on the Hawaiian island of Maui. The relief aid provided was able to help 521 households affected by this catastrophe.
Distribution on September 3, 2023
As emergency cash cards distributions were hosted over Labor Day weekend in Hawaii, care recipients and volunteers reflect on recent events.
Distribution on August 27, 2023
The Tzu Chi USA Pacific Islands Regional Office hosted its first emergency cash card distribution to help households who’d lost their homes after devastating wildfires on Maui. The effort involved volunteers from across the United States, and especially from across the Hawaiian Islands.
Make a generous contribution to support our relief efforts. Your gift can rekindle the spirit of the island. Stand with Maui in its darkest hour.
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