With the creation of our first medical outreach team in 1995, our volunteers have worked to provide comprehensive health and dental care to low-income families. Everyone deserves good health, and we hope to fulfill that goal, day by day, in order to empower all people, regardless of their financial status.
Since 1997, our medical team has conducted twice-yearly community health fair events. Prior to 2013, the Event provided consultation services only, but as of 2013, the team began to offer more comprehensive services to communities – including consultation, education, and treatment, to help patients manage their health better. Flu shots are also offered during the yearly Winter Community Health Fair as preventive care. Beginning in 2017, the frequency of our Community Health Fair events increased to three times per year, to better assist more people with their individual needs.
Our medical team regularly hosts free seminars to educate individuals on their health, and preventative measures they can take to keep their bodies strong. We help individuals gain a better understanding of infections such as Hepatitis B, promote basic training in First Aid and CPR, as well as conduct preventive healthcare talks, to help individuals – and by extension, the general public – understand and maintain their good health.
Since its establishment in 1995, our medical team has endeavored to expand its services to more underprivileged individuals. In 2003, the team began to acquire more portable dental units to support growing demand, and in 2008, they acquired and completed the outfitting of a state-of-the-art dental van. Through our Tzu Chi Da Ai (Great Love) dental van services, volunteers can focus their outreach efforts toward low-income families and the homeless. In May 2013, we opened a community dental clinic at Tzu Chi Milpitas, California campus, and in 2017, a continuously expanding acupuncture clinic also opened at this location.