459 Results for medical


| What We Do | Medical From medical doctors, dentists and vision care volunteers, Tzu Chi provides assistance in these areas to those who

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Special Features

Medical Outreach in Chicago

As the third most populous city in the United States, Chicago is a thriving world-class metropolis known for its architecture and vibrant art scene.

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News and Updates

Global Health: The First Ecuador Medical Outreach

January 2019 marks the first Tzu Chi medical outreach mission in Ecuador. Medical professionals from various fields united to provide healthcare services to underprivileged Ecuadorian residents and improve their quality


| What We Do | Medical From medical doctors, dentists and vision care volunteers, Tzu Chi provides assistance in these areas to those who most need it in the United

Special Features

Medical Care for Farmworkers in Fresno

Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) doctors, volunteers, and healthcare professionals brought their love and care to Fresno, California on February 4, 2017, offering free services to low-income families and

Special Features

Medical Outreach in Chicago

As the third most populous city in the United States, Chicago is a thriving world-class metropolis known for its architecture and vibrant art scene. While the Windy City is a

News and Updates

Outstanding Medical Outreach in NYC

On August 7th, 2016, Tzu Chi New York hosted a free medical outreach event in Flushing, Queens. Although this is an annual activity for this chapter, the clinic in 2016

News and Updates

Fresno Medical Celebrates 15 Years of Service

Fresno Medical celebrated its 15th Anniversary and the Grand Opening of a new Vision Mobile Clinic at a special event on June 4th.  As they looked back on how they

Special Features

Medical Aid for Refugees in Thailand

Medical Aid for Refugees in Thailand The Bangkok Refugee Center closed its primary health care services in 2014, leaving over 7,000 asylum-seekers and refugees without medical support. Since employment for
