Tzu Chi USA’s New York Regional Office has collaborated with the New York Blood Center since 2002, organizing three large-scale blood drives yearly.
Make a difference today.
One in three people will need blood sometime during their lives — and your blood donation now is vital. We especially encourage the participation of those who have never donated blood before. We additionally support bone marrow donations to aid even more people in need. Become a bone marrow donor and be the match; by joining the registry, you can help someone get the life-saving marrow transplant they urgently need.
Please join the team to save lives, if you:
- Are between the ages 16-75;
(16 years old must have parental/guardians’ permission)
(age 75 or older need a doctors’ note)
- Weigh 110 pounds or more;
- Are NOT AIDS or HIV positive;
- Have never been infected with any kind of hepatitis;
- Have not donated blood within the past 2 months;
- No Tattoos or piercings in the past 12 months.
Donors Must
- Have a good breakfast or lunch before donating.
- Drink a lot of water.
Did you know your blood donation can benefit up to three lives?
Bone Marrow Registration is available!
More information
NY Blood Center