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Join Tzu Chi USA at the Global Resilience Summit


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As we see our world transform through the COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud to be part of the Global Resilience Summit – a virtual, interactive event focused on individual and collective resiliency taking place from March 12-17.

This 6 day event features over 40 experts across the fields of science, business, law, theology, sports, the arts, humanitarianism, and many, many more. They will unite to present on timely topics that explore:

Individual Resilience

What is resilience & how do we build and sustain our personal resilience… even in the face of adversity

Featuring: Acharya Fleet Maull, PhD
Buddhist Teacher, Social Entrepreneur, Founder of the Prison Mindfulness Institute, Author of Dharma in Hell & Radical Responsibility.

Relational Resilience & Healing Trauma

How to heal and transform trauma, create authentic connection and sustain resilient relationships.

Featuring: Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD
Buddhist Teacher, Zen Priest, End-of-Life Care Pioneer, Author of Standing at the Edge (also featured in our On The Buddha’s Path Short Film Tour)

Collective-Community Resilience

How to co-create communities of care & resilience.

Featuring: Han Huang, PhD
Molecular Biologist, Researcher, Educator, Humanitarian, and Tzu Chi USA Executive Vice President & former CEO

Cultural-Societal Resilience

How to create a culture of resilience grounded in social, economic and racial justice.

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

How to create a culture of resilience grounded in social, economic and racial justice.

Listening to the Earth & Indigenous Voices

Learning from native wisdom holders and healing our relationship with the Earth.

Register to reserve your free ticket and gain access to two parallel online venues including:

  • the Global Resilience Summit, where each day’s videos will be available for viewing for 48 hours. It will include access to live sessions with your hosts and guided resilience practice content.

  • the interactive portion, where you may engage and interact with fellow participants, GRS sponsors, and participating presenters. You will also be able to access Q & A sessions, film premieres, Way of Council dialogues, breakout rooms for circling practice and authentic relating games, plus additional opportunities for networking and community building.

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